
Contortionist who hid in a suitcase to steal from tourists arrested

A contortionist has been arrested after he hid inside a suitcase and stole from tourists' luggage while on a bus trip.

Police found the flexible 1.78m thief curled up in the suitcase when investigating why items were regularly stolen on the bus route between Girona Airport and Barcelona, Spain.

Tourists reported valuables such as laptops were going missing from the baggage compartment of the bus during the hour-long trip, the Daily Mail reports.

Holidaymakers only realised items were missing when they arrived at their hotels and opened their bags.

Police said the contortionist was loaded onto the bus by an accomplice.

When the bus set off he would get out of the suitcase and look for valuables using a torch.

When finally reaching its destination, the suitcase holding the contortionist was collected by the second man.

Krzysztof Grzegorz, 29, and Jouoastaw K, 31 were arrested by police in Barcelona.

A police spokesman joked: "I believe this is what the British call an open-and-shut case."

(Published by Daily Telegraph - June 8, 2011)

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