How well does your new marketing piece deliver your message?

friday, 29 august of 2014

By Trey Ryder

The purpose of an ad, brochure, flier, website, or any other marketing tool is to deliver your marketing message. If it doesn't effectively deliver your message, nothing else matters.

How often have you looked at a website or newspaper ad and shaken your head because you couldn't read it? The font was too small. Or the background color made the type hard to read. Or someone printed words on top of a photograph or illustration.

In the battle of art vs. copy, copy always wins. Words deliver your message. The art is there only to support, enhance and draw attention to your message. Art should never take priority over your words.

Every marketing piece should be easy to read, easy to understand, easy to follow. It should always deliver your message quickly and directly, and never leave the reader wondering what you were trying to say.

Crisp. Clean. Simple. Straightforward. And appealing to the eye.

Any time you review a marketing document, look first for anything that's hard to read. Then correct it. Look second for anything that's difficult to understand. Then correct it. Look third for situations when the art gets in the way of the wording. Then correct it.

Remember, if it's hard for you to read or understand, imagine the problems your reader will face. But since your prospect doesn't care about your message nearly as much as you do, rather than trying to figure out what you're saying, your prospect does something else. He turns the page -- tosses your flier into the trash -- or goes to another website and you lose a new client. Plus, you lose the money you invested in the ad, brochure or website.

In marketing, common sense rules. No excuses or explanations can justify a poorly designed marketing piece. If your prospect can't read it and understand every word, then it's no good and you should reject it.

A good marketing piece must communicate instantly and completely. If yours doesn't, go back to square one and start again.
© Trey Ryder
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