Web sites: make your prospect´s job easier and attract more new clients

friday, 13 february of 2009

Web sites: make your prospect's job easier and attract more new clients

by Trey Ryder

I've seen a lot of discussion about how to get prospects to come back to your Web site over and over.  The thought is that the more often they return, the more likely they are to hire your services.

Personally, I think it's asking a lot to hope or expect a prospect to come back to your site again and again.  Frankly, you're lucky to get him to visit your site once much less two or three times.  Even more times, and your task becomes nearly impossible.

Here's how I approach it:  The first time a prospect comes to my site, I give him lots of good reasons to give me his name and e mail address.  I place "submit" forms all over my site even in my welcome message so if my prospect spends only 60 seconds at my site, I still have a reasonable opportunity to capture his name and e mail address.

You can use submit forms for many reasons:  At my site, my prospect can (1) add his name to my e mail list, (2) request additional articles, or (3) ask a marketing question all of which result in his giving me his name and e mail address.  And all of which result in my adding his name to my mailing list.

Once I have his e-mail address, he never has to return to my site.  Instead, I send my Lawyer Marketing Alert, so this lawyer hears from me weekly even if he never goes back to my Web site.  In this way, I still provide him with ongoing information, and he has to exert no effort to get it.  And if my prospect ever wants off my list, he sends me an "unsubscribe" message and he's history. Fortunately, I get many more add-ons than deletes.

So, don't spend time trying to get prospects back to your Web site again and again.  Put your effort into getting prospects to your site once.  Then capture their names and addresses (or e mail addresses).  In this way, YOU assume the burden of communicating with prospects and you control the flow of information.  This is much easier for your prospect and much more profitable for you.


© Trey Ryder

FREE LAWYER MARKETING ALERT:  If you'd like to receive Trey Ryder's weekly Lawyer Marketing Alert, send an e-mail to [email protected]. Write "Subscribe LMA" in the subject line and write your name and e-mail address in the body of the message.