Historic day
Germany introduces minimum wage
Germany is to introduce a national minimum wage for the first time in its history.
MPs voted by an overwhelming majority to approve a new law that will introduce a national minimum of €8.50 (£6.80) an hour from the start of 2015.
Until now, Germany has been one of only seven countries in the EU not to enforce a minimum wage.
The new measures mean Germany will now have a higher minimum wage that either the UK, where it is currently £6.31 - rising to £6.50 in October - or the US, where the federal minimum is $7.25 (£4.20).
But it will still be some way behind France's €9.43 (£7.50).
The decision was hailed as a "historic day for Germany" by Sigmar Gabriel, the German vice-chancellor. It was a victory for his centre-left Social Democratic Party (SDP), which made the new law a central condition for joining Angela Merkel's coalition government.
But the issue of a minimum wage has been divisive in Germany, despite its widespread acceptance elsewhere in Europe.
Mrs Merkel actually campaigned against it in last year's elections, warning it could threaten the country's competitive edge.
And it has exposed the glaring gap in living standards between west Germany and the former communist-ruled east. As many as 30 per cent of employees in the east currently earn less than the new minimum – twice as many as in the west.
Until now, Germany has relied on collective agreements negotiated by trade unions and business groups to ensure fair pay levels. But critics say that has meant that while some sectors, such as Germany's traditional powerhouse of heavy industry, are well regulated, workers in other sectors have less protection.
In the hospitality industry, 36 per cent of employees currently earn less than the new minimum wage, while in the agricultural sector it is as many as 44 per cent.
German business leaders have been highly critical of the new minimum wage.
The Munich-based Ifo economic institute is predicting many as 200,000 jobs could be lost because of it in the next two to three years, while others have warned it could lead to price increases, as employers pass on the cost to customers.
On the other side of the debate, trade unions insist there will be no job losses, and are complaining the new law has been diluted with too many loopholes and exemptions.
The long-term unemployed will not be entitled to the minimum wage for their first six months in employment.
Short internships that form part of a training or education course will also be exempt, and there are special transitional arrangements for seasonal workers and newspaper delivery employees.
The minimum wage is being seen as a triumph for the employment minister, Andrea Nahles, described by Bild newspaper as the "iron lady of the SDP", and as a possible future threat to Mrs Merkel.
Ms Nahles successfully pushed through a controversial law lowering the German pension age to 63 in May.
The new law, which still has to be approved by Germany's upper house, the Bundesrat, will leave Italy, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Cyprus as the remaining EU members without a minimum wage.
(Published by The Telegraph - July 3, 2014)