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Distrito Federal
Kincaid | Mendes Vianna Advogados Associados
Kincaid | Mendes Vianna Advogados Associados

Kincaid | Mendes Vianna Advogados Associados

SHN - Quadra 01, Lote A, Bloco D, Sala 1006 - Ed. Fusion Work , Asa Norte
70701-040 Brasília-DF

Telephone: 55 61 3542-9232
Fax: 55 61 3542-9232
E-mail: [email protected]


Presentation: Law Offices Carl Kincaid, established in 1932 in Rio de Janeiro by US-born lawyer Carl Kincaid, jointly with other Brazilian lawyers, was originally structured to provide legal assistance to foreign companies that at the time were beginning to invest in Brazil. Over the past 78 years, our firm has become one of the most traditional law offices in Brazil. After Mr. Kincaid’s passing in 1958, the firm remained active under the leadership of Senior Partner Antonio de Pádua Martins Britto, deceased in 2001, who was responsible for developing several outstanding lawyers still working in the firm. The firm currently operates under the name of Mendes Vianna Advogados Associados. The firm has extensive experience in the civil, commercial and business law areas, notably in the areas of shipping and international law, with emphasis on litigation and arbitration. The expansion of new sectors of the economy, such as the services sector for the oil industry, concurrently with the joining of new partners and associate lawyers over the past years, enabled us to expand our areas of expertise into new fields such as environmental and energy law. Our office is headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, has branch offices in São Paulo, Brasilia and Vitoria and operates in the major Brazilian cities through a network of correspondents and associate offices located in Santos, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande, Itajai, Florianopolis, São Francisco do Sul, Paranaguá, Curitiba, Salvador, Recife, Natal, Fortaleza, Belem, Sao Luis and Manaus. We also provide legal assistance to foreign law offices, mainly European and North American, as most of our lawyers are fluent in English, French and Spanish.

Activities and services: Civil, commercial and business law areas, environmental and energy law, notably in the areas of shipping and international law, with emphasis on litigation and arbitration.

Languages: Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.

Established since: 1932

Partners' profiles and contact information: 80