wednesday, 11 july of 2018


Myanmar charges journalists with spying

Myanmar prosecutors on Monday charged two Reuters reporters with violating the 1911 Official Secrets Act by reporting on military unrest in the state of Rakhine.

Thie act has been amended multiple times and is intended to protect the state from espionage and spying.

Myanmar officials alleged the reporters obtained classified military documents and had the intent to share them with foreign intelligence. The reporters said they were just doing their job of reporting on international issues.

The Reuters president and editor-in-chief, Stephen J. Adler, released a statement:

These Reuters journalists were doing their jobs in an independent and impartial way, and there are no facts or evidence to suggest that they’ve done anything wrong or broken any law. They should be released and reunited with their families, friends, and colleagues.

The reporters have been detained since December 12, 2017 and if found guilty, are facing up to 14 years in prison.

(Published by Jurist, Jul 10, 2018)

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